Scottish Referendum filming

As a Scottish camera operator during the Referendum I provided live coverage for channels like Antena 3, Arte, Tele Madrid, Telecinco, RTVE, PRVA and 8TV. A belated post sharing some snaps I captured in November during the Independence referendum. I’m sure lots of Scottish camera operators worked throughout the Scottish Independence referendum and things certainly picked up over the days in the lead up. I worked for Overon providing live broadcast coverage for mostly European TV channels . The most exciting of these was a two person shoot for Arte so went live to France and Germany. The shoot required a bit of shoulder shooting being directing from the OB truck as they cut between the two-camera set up, live from the Royal Mile. Sadly once the ‘No’ vote came through on the friday things cooled off a little – so Friday wasn’t filled with the same sense of energy!

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Where You’re Meant To Be – Teaser Trailer

‘Where You’re Meant To Be’ is a feature length musical road trip from Aidan Moffat and Paul Fegan. I was a camera operator supporting my friend and DoP Julian Schwanitz. I have to draw your attention to the lovely shot I captured from the Erskine Bridge looking down on the boat at sunset. It was a crazy rush chasing the boat in the car, but very please to have captured that.

Standard Life mortgage video

It’s been a busy week, but it all began with a shoot at Standard Life HQ. Here I have lit for a 2 person interview using a 1k softbox as the main key light with a LED panel covering  the other speaker. Behind each person is a dedolight, and in the background I’ve used an Arri 650 with a turquoise gel to bring some depth to the hanging room divider. I shot on a C100 while the B-cam was a C300 (I know, crazy right?) but it was for web and while I’m happy shooting with anything it was juts more convenient this way.

corporate video shoot edinburgh